The day the Earth hit an asteroid,
The hypeboys decided to come to an end in hype club.
But somehow they were alive
We had a conversation to understand the situation.
Hearing the noise outside club, the hypeboyes rushed out of club. And they meet a pale strange creature over 190 centimeters tall.
The pale face and tall height that cannot be regarded as beings
who lived on Earth scared the hypeboys.
I talked to him when he tried to run away
We won't hurt you. Calm down
We want to invite you to our planet because we like you who seek pleasure even before the planet hypebeans falls.
The calming hypeboys agonized and chose to take hypebeans
because the Earth somehow went extinct.
hypeboys were aboard the spacecraft and arrived at the planet beans.
Welcome to our planet.
The hypebeans were surprised.
Beans living busily with destroyed Earth and other buildings were unfamiliar,
but there was no gap between them.
I found this hype club while looking around like tha
One hypeboy yelled.
Surprisingly, it was the last hype club I saw.
Beans, who was watching the scene, said.
Welcome to our planet once again.
A group of people who want to experience, enjoy, and share new things
A community that participates in new festivals, parties, and performances and wants
to have a good time with each other and further help each other snd create a better society